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Command List For Ranks

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Command List For Ranks Empty Command List For Ranks

Post  brandon1001 Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:07 am

Default-help, helpop, home, kit(starter), kit(Tools), list, motd, rules, sethome, spawn, warp, warp list.

Trusted- All the commands of Default, kit.

Trusted+-Compass, kit, all the commands from Trusted and Default.

Mod- /back, /ban, /banip, /broadcast, /delwarp, /depth, /getpos, /item, /jump, /kick, /kill, /setwarp, /time, /togglejail, /tphere, /tp, /tpo, /tptoggle, /unban, /unbanip, /whois, /world, /listgroup, /mandemote, /manload, /manpromote, /mansave, /manselect, /manuadd, /manudel.

Donator- Ok donators have a lot of permissions so ill give some of them.
/heal, /god, /item, and all the permissions of trusted+.

Admin- /mantogglesave, /burn, /clearinventory, cooldown.bypass, /deljail, /item, /god, /heal, /invsee, /give, /jails, /kickall, /setjail, /spawnmob, /tp, /togglejail, groupmanager, and all the permissions from Mod.

Owner- /protect, and all the permissions from Admin.

Ok i hope this can help you with your ranks. And im really tired from typing all the commands for every single rank. So the next time im on, please give me a break.


Posts : 32
Join date : 2011-06-22
Age : 25

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